* Revelation 7:2–17
* Psalm 149
* 1 John 3:1–3
* Matthew 5:1–12
Lutheran Lectionary for 16 May 2021 (7th Sunday of Easter)
* Acts 1:12–26
* Psalm 1
* 1 John 5:9–15
* John 17:11b–19
Lutheran Lectionary for 09 May 2021 (6th Sunday of Easter)
* Acts 10:34–48
* Psalm 98
* 1 John 5:1–8
* John 15:9–17
Lutheran Lectionary for 02 May 2021 (5th Sunday of Easter)
* Acts 8:26–40
* Psalm 150
* 1 John 4:1–21
* John 15:1–8
Lutheran Lectionary for 25 April 2021 (4th Sunday of Easter)
* Acts 4:1–12
* Psalm 23
* 1 John 3:16–24
* John 10:11–18
Lutheran Lectionary for 18 April 2021 (3rd Sunday of Easter)
* Acts 3:11–21
* Psalm 4
* 1 John 3:1–7
* Luke 24:36–49
Lutheran Lectionary 11 April 2021 (2nd Sunday of Easter)
* Acts 4:32–35
* Psalm 148
* 1 John 1:1—2:2
* John 20:19–31
Lutheran Lectionary for 24 December 2020 (Christmas Eve)
* Isaiah 7:10–14
* Psalm 110:1–4
* 1 John 4:7–16
* Matthew 1:18–25
Daily Devotion for 11 December 2020 (2nd Friday in Advent)
* Psalm 5
* Psalm 142
* Isaiah 28:14–29
* 1 John 5:1–21
* Large Catechism, Part I ¶¶ 87–95
Daily Devotion for 10 December 2020 (2nd Thursday in Advent)
* Psalm 86
* Psalm 130
* Isaiah 26:20—27:13
* 1 John 4:1–21
* Large Catechism, Part I ¶¶ 78–86
Daily Devotion for 09 December 2020 (2nd Wednesday in Advent)
* Psalm 17
* Psalm 148
* Isaiah 26:1–19
* 1 John 3:1–24
* Large Catechism, Part I ¶¶ 69–77
Daily Devotion for 08 December 2020 (2nd Tuesday in Advent)
* Psalm 11
* Psalm 142
* Isaiah 24:14—25:12
* 1 John 2:15–29
* Large Catechism, Part I ¶¶ 59–68
Daily Devotion for 07 December 2020 (2nd Monday in Advent)
* Psalm 25
* Psalm 73
* Isaiah 24:1–13
* 1 John 1:1—2:14
* Large Catechism, Part I ¶¶ 49–58
Lutheran Lectionary for 24 Dec 2019 (Christmas Eve)
Readings Audio Podcast
Daily Devotion for 11 December 2019 (2nd Wednesday in Advent)
Readings Audio Podcast
Daily Devotion for 10 December 2019 (2nd Tuesday in Advent)
Readings Audio Podcast